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  IDEA2024 Congress, Beijing China, July 15-20 2024

This is a short interim report about the IDEA2024 Congress. More information will follow.

Message from IDEA President

Dear IDEA 2024 Congress participants,

As IDEA President, I want to personally thank you for making this 10th IDEA Congress such a remarkable event.

You contributed with your knowledge, dedication and passion in sharing this common vision of drama/theatre and education spreading all over the world to make it a better, more creative and safer place for all of us to live in.

I have received a lovely message from Liwen, one of the Congress participants, that I want to share with you:

" Thanks to the dedication of you and your colleagues, a sumptuous drama education banquet was provided for all attendees."

As food was a recurring theme, it seems to appear again as a metaphor. It was  indeed a banquet, a feast for our minds, hearts and souls.

If you want access to photos of the event, please visit:

Sanja Krsmanović Tasić

President, Chair of the World Alliance for Art Education -WAAE  (May 2024/May 2025)

General Council Meeting

A General Council Meeting was held during the Congress and met in 3 sessions. With the help of technology, members who could not be in Beijing joined the meeting through the IDEA ZOOM account and VPN. We thank our IDEAC partners, particularly Clair Young Fay for helping with this. 

While ,sometimes, the link dropped out, frustratingly, The General Meeting Committee managed a successful and productive meeting chaired by Ása Helga Ragnarsdóttir. 

During the meeting, Adriana Nichting, participating from the Netherlands representing VONC, documented the meeting in drawings. 

Elections were held. The successful  candidates are:

Executive Committee 

President: Sanja Krsmanovic Tasic

Vice President: Olafur Gudmundsson

Secretary: Nancy Franco

Treasurer: Nikos Govas

Director Communications: Christine Hatton

Director Research: Zeki Ozen

Director Publications: Beth Murray

Director Young IDEA: Fredyl Hernandez

Director Projects: Miao Bin

 General Meeting Committee

President General Meeting Committee: Ása Helga Ragnarsdóttir

Vice President General Meeting Committee: Matthew Sheahan

Secretary General Meeting Committee: Tom Willems

 Accountancy Committee

President Accountancy Committee: Dagmar Hoefferer

Vice President Accountancy Committee: Roberson Nunes

Secretary Accountancy Committee: Aishwariyah Nathan

 Minutes of the General Council Meeting will be prepared and shared with IDEA members.  
 a link to the padlet concerning the elections of officers  IDEA thanks all outgoing Elected Officers for their work for the Association. 
The IDEA web page showing Elected Officers will be updated soon. 

Images from the Congress

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A short summary of the IDEA 2024 Congress July 15-20, 2024, Beijing China:

The Congress was organized by IDEA member from China IDEAC (International Drama/Theatre and Education Application and Cooperation Congress)

IDEAC Committee consisted of six members:

Mr Wu Hui, Congress director as well as Wang Liying , Deputy Secretary-General of IDEAC, Su Yi 苏毅, Director of the Fresco IDEAC Teaching Center, Cindy, 王志新 International Project Manager , Ali 李婧菡, Coordinator for Experts and 

Ma Yihan马艺涵, Coordinator for Young IDEA projects.

For IDEA, the Coordinating Committee consisted of five members:

Sanja Krsmanović Tasić, IDEA President

Robin Pascoe, IDEA Past Immediate President

John O’Toole, IDEA ’95 Congress Co-Convenor

Ása Helga Ragnarsdottir, IDEA GMC Vice-President

Clair Young,  IDEAC 

The members of the International Advisory Committee Members were:

Ma Wenqi 麻文琦  , China; Fresco Su 苏毅, China; Au Yi-Man, 欧怡雯 TEFO, Hong Kong; Xiaohua Zhang, 张晓华 Taiwan ; Christopher Odhiambo, Kenya; Mercy Mirembe Ntangaare, Uganda; Peter Duffy, USA;  Liliana Galván, Peru; Aishwariyah Shanmuganthan, Singapore; Beng Cabangon , Philippines ;  Naoko Araki, Japan ; Stig Eriksson, Norway; Maria van Bakelen, France/Netherlands; Janinka Greenwood, New Zealand; Olafur Gudmundsson, Iceland

The Special Interest Groups Working group consisted of Joachim Reiss as well as Peter Duffy.

A team of 108 implemented the Congress itself in Beijing: media staff, activity leaders, catering staff, lighting and technical staff, photo and video recording staff, drivers, medical staff, cleaning staff, volunteers and coordinating staff.     

About 580 participants from more than 30 countries and regions attended the conference, including 6 keynote speakers, with 5 children's drama performances, 3 roundtable forums, 1 Young IDEA international cooperation project with performance, 5 SIG-special interest groups, 10 paper presentation sessions (a total of 48 papers were shared,  including 1 paper presentation sessions) and 41 workshops.

The IDEA General Council Meeting was also held during the Congress, in a blended form (online and in person), with elections for the new IDEA Elected Officers.

More than 30 mainstream media including Beijing TV Station, China Net, China Youth Daily China Performing Arts Network reported on the meeting. There were also many social media posts from participants.

In addition, the translated and produced recording of the Congress events with English subtitles will be available as the outcome of the Congress.  

There will be a bi-lingual (Chinese and English) publication of the Congress paper presentation, after the process of peer evaluation and editorial team led by Beth Murrey, IDEA Director of Publications as well as a special edition of the DaTEAsia  Journal with the Congress outcomes. 

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English: International Drama/Theatre and Education Association 

Portuguese: Associação Internacional de Teatro Educação

French : Association Internationale Théâtre et Éducation 

Spanish: Associación Internacional Teatro y Educación 

Chinese 际戏剧/戏剧和教育

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