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  • 23 Sep 2024 8:44 PM | Anonymous

    Call for Submissions to

    亞洲戲劇教育學刊/The Journal of Drama and Theatre Education in Asia (DaTEAsia)

    IDEA Congress 2024 Special Issue


    2024 年 IDEA 大会特刊《亚洲戏剧教育学刊(DaTEAsia)》征稿

    The Call. DaTEAsia welcomes submissions for a special issue to mark the 10th IDEA (International Drama/Theatre and Education Association) World Congress. The aspirational Congress theme of “A Harmonious World” can be interpreted broadly. Congress participants—both in-person and on-line—are encouraged to submit, as are IDEA members across the globe. Academic articles, practitioner pieces and congress reflections are all acceptable formats.

    《亚洲戏剧教育学刊》欢迎广大学者踊跃投稿 2024 第十届国际戏剧/剧场与教育大会 (IDEA)特刊。本届大会主题为“和谐世界”,内蕴丰富,解读方式多样。欢迎线上线 下与会人员及全球各地 IDEA 会员积极投稿。稿件类型包括学术文章、实践经验分享、大 会意见等。

    The Journal. First published in 2010, DaTEAsia is the only academic journal in Hong Kong that focuses specifically on applied theatre/drama education. Articles undergo thorough peer review before publication. DaTEAsia has earned a respected position in the applied theatre/drama education world, especially in the Asian region.

    《亚洲戏剧教育学刊》创刊于 2010 年,是香港唯一一本聚焦应用戏剧/戏剧教育的学术期 刊。投稿文章刊登前需经过严格的同行评审。本刊在应用戏剧/戏剧教育界享有声望,在 亚洲地区更是备受尊重。

    For this issue, DaTEAsia brings together scholars and researchers from East Asia —and the world — to expand our collective landscape of applied theatre/drama education. DaTEAsia also promotes exchange and dialogue among global practitioners so that theory and practice develop together. DaTEAsia is a bilingual academic journal, with authors sharing their reflections and research in both Chinese and English.

    IDEA 大会特刊希望汇聚世界各地的专家学者及学术同仁,尤其是东亚地区学者,共拓应 用戏剧/戏剧教育的视野。《亚洲戏剧教育学刊》旨在推动全球戏剧从业人员对话交流, 促进理论与实践相辅相成。本刊为中英双语学术期刊,作者可用中文或英文撰写,分享其 见解与研究成果。

    This journal is published in print and online as an Open Access Journal. Open Source Academic Journals promote knowledge sharing and make academic research results equitably accessible to the public.

    《亚洲戏剧教育学刊》将以纸质和电子版形式开放获取,旨在促进知识共享,让公众公平 获取学术研究成果。

    Guidelines for Contributions. Manuscripts in either English or Chinese should be submitted to by 30th October 2024. Authors should follow the style and format of the 7th edition of The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA). Please visit the website of DaTEAsia for further information:

    Note that DaTEAsia is an academic journal dedicated to disseminating research. All submissions will undergo a blind peer review process.

    投稿文章应以中文或英文撰写,于 2024 年 9 月 30 日前提交至邮箱 。作者 应遵循《美国心理学会出版手册(APA)》第七版的风格和格式要求。详情请访问 DaTEAsia 官网,网:

    For Inquiries, please contact: Production Editor of DaTEAsia ( or Beth Murray (, IDEA Director of Publications.

    亚洲戏剧教育学刊编辑 邮箱
    IDEA 出版总监贝丝·默里 邮箱

  • 23 Sep 2024 8:15 PM | Anonymous

    Call for Submissions to

    Moving Forward and Looking Back with Drama/Theatre and Education (working title)

    IDEA 2024 Congress 10 Book in Partnership with IDEAC

    The Call. Following the 10th IDEA Congress, hosted by IDEAC in Beijing China, authors are invited to contribute academic papers, practitioner guides, historical analyses, and reflections for possible inclusion in the book. This peer-reviewed, edited volume will both honor the past and look to the future of drama and theatre education globally as IDEAC celebrates its first 10 years culminating with the 10th IDEA Congress. The book will be published and distributed under IDEAC’s publishing arm in both Chinese and English. Artists, academics, administrators and policy makers are encouraged to submit.

    About IDEAC. In 2014 IDEAC was established with the China Foundation for the Development of Social Culture. IDEAC (Secretariat of International Drama Education Application and Cooperation Congress) contributes to promoting Drama and Theatre Education in China, providing a national platform for Chinese drama and theatre educators and practitioners to learn and share their practical experiences. 

    About IDEA. Since 1992, IDEA exists to provide an international forum for communicating about, promoting and advocating for drama/theatre and education. IDEA congresses support the development of drama/theatre practice and theory as part of a full human education.

    Editors. The volume will be edited by Dr. Law Muk Hang & Beth Murray, Ph.D.

    Guidelines for Contributors. Submit original, unpublished manuscripts of 15 pages or fewer, double-spaced as directed below by October 25, 2024. English language authors should follow the style and format of the 7th edition of The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA).

    Images and tables should be attached separately and referenced in the text.
    Images should be at least 300 dpi.

    A cover page with the following information should be attached:

    • Title
    • Corresponding author name, affiliation, email and phone number
    • Additional author names and email addresses
    • A two-sentence bio for each contributing author

    When emailing submissions, please use the subject line: IDEA BOOK-Corresponding Author Name-TWO Key Words from the title.
    Send Chinese Language submissions to: 
    Send English Language submissions to: 

    Tentative Timeline.

    Full submissions due: Friday, October 25, 2024
    Peer Review process: November-January 2025
    Response/feedback to authors: February 2025
    Revised manuscripts due: April 4, 2025

    Book Title. Please share suggestions on a book title, if you wish.

    Questions. Please direct any questions/suggestions to (Beth Murray, IDEA Director of Publications) or (please write “Attention Dr. Law Muk Hang” in the subject line). 

  • 17 May 2024 10:34 PM | Anonymous

    From May 20 to May 26, we are celebrating International Arts Education Week!

    As advocates for Arts Education, the WAAE invites you to ‘draw a line’, ‘to play a line’, ‘to make a line’, ‘to sing a line’, ‘to dance a line’ that reflects your aspirations, your aims for arts education in your community. Reflect on your – ‘line in the sand’, ‘your bottom line’, ‘your end of the line’, and determine what needs to be done to maintain and grow arts education. Is a ‘life line’ or/and ‘timeline’ required for arts education as we move forward.

    Arts education inspires creativity, expression, and thoughtful critique. Arts education articulates and activates culture and much more. Arts education is an essential part of education, but should it not be present, where do you stand on the place of arts education in your community, your school, your home, your life? What will you do to fight for arts education? How far does arts education have to ‘cross the line’ or slip from your school curriculum, your life before you say STOP. Before you say, ‘here is where I make my stand, this is where I draw the line in the sand’.

    International Arts Education Week begins by the action Ring the Bells for Arts Education, created by IDEA. The action takes place on the first day of the WAAE commemorations of the International Arts Education Week, May 20th at noon, by ringing bells or sounding other instruments as a sign of support for arts education. It is a 24-hours world action, as we pass the time zones at noon. We also ask you to record a short video , or make a photo of the action and post it on your social media accounts, with the hashtags: #BellsForArtsEd #ArtsEdWeek #WAAE #IDEA

    On 21st and 22nd of May, a WAAE Webinar Conversations Around the UNESCO Framework for Culture and Education will be held. The webinars aim to foster open dialogue or conversation about the UNESCO Framework for Culture and Arts Education (The Framework) that was proclaimed in Abu Dhabi 13-15 February 2024. Each Webinar will be chaired by different members from the WAAE, though the following topics will occur in both webinars. Each webinar will be approx. one hour long and will be recorded.

    Webinar dates:

    Tuesday 21 May (times: 8pm NZ, 9am London, 2am Mexico, 4pm Hong Kong, 10am Germany, 12 noon Abu Dhabi, 6pm Australia, 1.30pm Delhi)

    Wednesday 22 May (times: 6pm Germany, 4am NZ, 2am Australia, 5pm Lisbon, 10am Mexico, 8pm Abu Dhabi, 12am Hong Kong, 12 pm New York)

    The webinar is free to attend and you can register through the following link:

  • 26 Mar 2024 4:00 PM | Anonymous

    Registration for IDEA2024 Congress in China are now open! 

    The 10th Drama Theatre and Education Conference of IDEA, hosted by IDEA member IDEAC, will be held in Beijing, China, from 15 to 20 July 2024.

    Registrations are available through the Congress website ONLY for INTERNATIONAL participants. 

    Register here:

  • 3 Feb 2024 2:57 AM | Anonymous

    Are you preparing for the IDEA Congress in Beijing, China, 15-20 July 2024?

    We would like to announce to those who are interested, that the early bird registration now ends on April 15th

    The IDEA2024 Congress will be available as a hybrid event. You can choose to participate in person (attending the Congress in Beijing) or online.

    The in person conference registration includes: 

    • opening and closing ceremonies 
    • keynotes
    • scholarly gatherings, which include research papers, panels, posters, lectures/demonstrations, workshops and discussions
    • children and youth performances
    • social events
    • children and youth performances

    The hybrid online conference registration includes:

    • synchronous broadcasts of opening and closing ceremonies and keynotes

    • some online academic paper presentations and discussions

    For more information, please visit the Congress website:

  • 20 Jan 2024 2:53 AM | Anonymous

    IDEA2024 Congress extended the deadline for Call for Proposals - submissions for Workshops, Panels and Paper presentations are now open until 31 January 2024.

    IDEA and IDEAC invite drama/theatre educators, practitioners, and researchers to think about their work through the themes of the IDEA2024 Congress. This Congress will feature a range of practical workshops, panels and academic paper presentations addressing the Congress themes and sub-themes.

    See IDEA2024 web page for additional details. 

  • 16 Dec 2023 6:28 AM | Anonymous

    IDEA2024 Congress is currently accepting Proposals for Workshops, Panels and Paper presentations. The Call Workshops, Panels and Paper presentations is open until 15 January, 11:59pm (GMT+8)

    IDEA and IDEAC invite drama/theatre educators, practitioners, and researchers to think about their work through the themes of the IDEA2024 Congress. This Congress will feature a range of practical workshops, panels and academic paper presentations addressing the Congress themes and subthemes.

    See IDEA2024 web page for additional details. 

    IDEA2024 logo

    Overarching theme: “天下大同”(tiān xià dà tóng)A Harmonious World — Constructing a harmonious Cultural, Artistic, and Spiritual Home for Humanity through Drama and Theatre.


    1. Sharing Global Drama Education Experience and practice

    2. Enabling cross-cultural communication and understanding

    3. Exploring emerging possibilities and scenarios for drama education

    4. Widening drama education conversations

    IDEAC Conference in Zhuhai, China, in May 2023

    The IDEA2024 Congress will be conducted in a hybrid format. It will take place from July 15-20, 2024.

    In-person delegates will meet in Beijing, China. On-line delegates will contribute through technology. The in-person congress will be in English and Mandarin. On-line contributions may be in the IDEA languages (English, Portuguese, French, Spanish, Mandarin).

    For further enquiries, please reach out to the IDEA Administrator and IDEA2024 Congress Director.

    Criteria for selection

    All proposals will be reviewed by the IDEA2024 Advisory Committee using the following criteria:

    o Contributions should make a significant contribution to knowledge and/or practice in Drama Theatre and Education and address the themes and sub themes of the Congress

    o Contributions should clearly identify the author’s experience or other credentials in Drama Theatre and Education

    o Contributions should specify whether suitable for live/online or only live presentation

    o Contributions should clearly address Congress session time limits

    o Papers (and workshops, where appropriate) must be suitable and presented to the IDEA Director of Publications for book or journal publication

    o Live in person workshops should be presentable with minimal practical requirements

    o An indication of the space and/or equipment and furniture required for live in person workshops

    o Contributors must complete this Proposal/Expression of Interest Form including Declaration, Terms and Conditions.

    o Contributors must indicate their intention to register for the IDEA Congress and their capacity to participate.

  • 27 Nov 2023 12:34 AM | Anonymous

    As a young girl, I have always believed that the twenty-first century will bring wisdom and harmony to the world. That humanity would have learnt its lesson from the devastating wars of the twentieth century. In my own lifetime, I have experienced what it means to live in crises and war, in the wars in Yugoslavia in the nineties. Somehow the hope was that we would, as a civilization, become wiser and nobler in this new era. 

    IDEA President Sanja Krsmanović Tasić at the IDEAC Conference in Zhuhai, China, in May 2023

    What we are encountering in the last few years is an escalation of violence, tragedy, horrific atrocities, migration, all happening as a consequence of wars in Ukraine, Ethiopia, Syria, Palestine, Afghanistan, and so many places in the world. The war industry seems to be the only industry that is blossoming. And what is even more devastating is that profit seems to be behind many of the things that are happening, not even power, colonization, conquering, but just money and profit.

    On the other hand nature seems to be rebelling. The earthquakes, floods, tornados, global warming and catastrophes. Nature has been fed up with the way humans are mistreating it for so many decades.

    Sometimes we feel helpless in this situation. Sometimes we remain speechless, paralyzed, afraid.

    I have no recipe of what to do in the global geopolitical sphere. What I can offer is the example of what was happening in my country, and my city, Belgrade, in those years of hardship. In the Center for Culture "Stari Grad“ a group of artists collected under the initiative of Ljubica Beljanski Ristić, one of the founders of CEDEUM, to offer a safe haven for many children and youngsters. They did drama and dance workshops and even worked during the NATO bombing of Belgrade and Serbia. This small island of hope helped these young people safely transcend this period filled with stress and distress. Many of them became established artists and important creators of the cultural and artistic life of Belgrade.

    What we must never forget is that we have a powerful tool in our hands, a skill that can transform us into everything and anything we want, and this is theatre and drama. To act is to be active, to do, to move, to speak out, to try out different scenarios for the future. In the process of creating in the theatre/drama education world, we learn steps of becoming better versions of ourselves, we try to, in this process also change the world around us.

    We as drama teachers and pedagogues, are the beacon of light and hope in dark times. We must never give in to hopelessness, helplessness and despair. What we do, and how we deal with things is an example for the children, young people, seniors, whom we work with.

    In our spaces, classrooms, drama studios, we must be able to create these small oases of meaningful existence, of the vision of a better future, of solidarity and support for each other. This is why I called a series of workshops I did: ART NEST. What we create is a warm nest of understanding, but also of challenging and strengthening the young people to take flight by themselves. To learn to fly, despite the dark clouds, thunder and hard rain that fall on us sometimes.

    We in the IDEA board look into the future with optimism, sure that next year’s IDEACongress in Beijing, China, will bring us all together, and allow us to have a first hand glimpse of the important steps that are happening, with the implementation of drama education in the school curriculum in this great country. This will be an opportunity to meet Chinese drama educators, to also meet each other from the international community , and present and share our work and expertise. As this will be a blended Congress, many can also join us though different online platforms that will be provided for the Congress.

    I believe we can change the world by doing what we do best, and that we can learn so much from each other. Exchange is important, and we can inspire each other, and bring new tendencies in drama/theatre education to our own countries and spaces where we work. Our Congresses have always been the best place for all of this. So hopefully we will meet in Beijing next July.

    IDEA celebrated IDEA Day in the form of an online Webinar dedicated to the theme of Drama/Theatre Education for Peace. Let us all see and hear how we can contribute with our work to the important and essential field of peace education through drama and theatre.

    I will end with a quote from an exceptional man, who showed that change can be done in a non-violent way, Mahatma Gandhi:

    "In a gentle way, you can shake the world.“

    Sanja Krsmanović Tasić, IDEA President

  • 23 Nov 2023 1:18 AM | Anonymous

    The 25th International Drama/Theatre in Education Conference organized by IDEA Austria will take place in Retz, Lower Austria from 22-27 March 2024.

    An anniversary should be celebrated; many people - let's call them "dinosaurs" - have participated in Congresses/Conferences and accompanied IDEA Austria over the past 50 years. We are looking forward to hearing their memories.

    But we are also on our way into the next 50 years and we appreciate getting your thoughts and ideas for the next decades. The Conference itself will go for some issues. There will be also an opportunity for participants to present their ideas.

    For all drama/theatre lovers – YOU ARE PART OF THE SUCCESS!

    Embedded in the program we also offer the workshop days as used (One whole day with One Facilitator), plus Best Practice, Lectures and Marketplace presentations. New trends in Drama in Education create a bridge to the next 50 years. A rich supplemental program draws attention to the region where culture is so famous: Theater, whether professional or amateur, is very present in Lower Austria. Participants can also get inspiration by the culture of Austrian Wine. And the Conference venue is absolutely awesome!

    The Conference is endorsed by IDEA as a Regional IDEA Conference.


    Chair: Dagmar Hoefferer




    Questions & Contact:

  • 15 Nov 2023 1:03 AM | Anonymous

    IDEA Day on the 27th of November is approaching, an important occasion when we celebrate drama/theatre education and advocate for the universal right to education and cultural life, with a special focus on children’s human rights.

    Unfortunately, we are everyday witnesses that children’s human rights are not only blatantly violated in many parts of the world but children are often victims of wars and conflict zones that are raging around the world.

    In 2022, IDEA together with its partners from the World Alliance for Arts Education dedicated the program of the UNESCO International Arts Education Week to peace education through arts, as we believe that war and violence can only cause pain for human beings, while education and culture should have a pacifist and healing effect. Our unspoken hope was that the world would gradually progress from devastating wars to cooperation and solidarity.

    As the situation is no better than in 2022, and in many cases the situation is significantly more concerning, IDEA finds that it is essential to foster collaboration, inclusion, empathy, and compassion through our work. That is why we are organizing the IDEA Day Webinar: Drama/Theatre Education for Peace on Sunday the 26th of November at 12 pm (noon) UTC.

    At the webinar, you will have the chance to: 1. Hear presentations from drama/theatre practitioner from across the globe who dedicate their work to peace education; 2. Get to know new IDEA members who will present their work to the wider IDEA community; 3. Learn about about important upcoming events in drama/theatre education like the IDEA World Congress that will take place in China in July 2024.

    Zoom link for the webinar: 

    IDEA Day Webinar: Drama/Theatre Education for Peace

    Meeting ID: 867 0344 9486

    Passcode: 119466

    The webinar will be live-streamed on IDEA's YouTube.

    We are looking forward to meeting you and using IDEA Day as a platform for drama/theatre education and peace!

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IDEA is a non-profit professional association for Drama Education registered in Portugal. 

Rua Bernardo Santareno 2f – 2 k 2825-446 Costa da Caparica.

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© IDEA 2022

English: International Drama/Theatre and Education Association 

Portuguese: Associação Internacional de Teatro Educação

French : Association Internationale Théâtre et Éducation 

Spanish: Associación Internacional Teatro y Educación 

Chinese: 国际戏剧/戏剧和教育协会

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