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Theatre Education to Stop Ecocide and Start Good Living!
Theatre education in schools and communities enables us, students and teachers, to create, produce and perform the futures we envision. Can we each act, together, on time, to save our world?
This series of three webinars places performance at the heart of South-North dialogues to achieve three aims in times of ecocide and climate collapse:
To view an Amazon-German students-theatre project collaboration as an example, to see how we might work in the space between Ecocide and Good Living.
To view a Global project collaboration and six communities in crisis to see how students' theatre projects in schools might act globally in our local place, between Ecocide and Good Living.
To identify diverse strategies and develop plans for theatre education for Good Living through collaborative projects in and between different regions across the world.

Young Brazilian dancers of the group "AfroRaiz" in Germany 2019 - ABRA and BVTS in collaboration
Webinar 1- Saturday, April 9th, 2022, 14 CET
Context and Example of Global South-North Collaborative Projects
Webinar 2 - Saturday, May 7th
Webinar 3 - Saturday, June 4th