Using qualitative research platforms for theatre education research - generating and representing data
This workshop, held online via Zoom, had an aim of demonstrating how researchers can utilize technology to organize, visualize and represent data. Peter Duffy shared the process for using a program called MAXQDA to organize coded data into themes, and then transform those themes into scenes for his play based on teacher interviews. There are a variety of digital qualitative platforms that can be used such as NVIVO, Dedoose, Quirkos, Atlas.ti, WebQDA, and many others. The general research and representation principles are similar across platforms, but for the purposes of this workshop, only the MAXQDA platform was used. By the end of the workshop, more than 30 participants from all across the world became familiar with the basic notion of coding, organizing data into themes, and starting to think about how to shape themes into theatrical scenes.

Screenshot from the Webinar with Peter Duffy