The African Theatre Webinar series, organized by Dr. Mercy Mirembe Ntangaare and Prof. Marion Küster, continued in November 2021, with a holiday break in December, and in the new year of 2022. The series has aims to share concepts of African drama and theatre globally, to establish closer contacts and professional relationships among drama/theatre and education practitioners in Africa with the rest of the world, to contribute towards efforts to mainstream Africa into world debates and agendas and to contribute towards decolonization and liberation of Africa from perpetual dependency on the West for cultural values and identities.

Screenshot from the African Theatre Webinar
The participants of the November edition of the Webinar had a chance to learn about drama/theatre in Tanzanian primary education with Daines Nicodem Sanga, Senior Lecturer from the Department of Creative Arts at the University of Dar es Salaam. The topic of the January edition was creating professional communities of practice through arts/theatre associations; featuring guests wereDr. Chriistiana Deliewen Afrikaner, the President of Africa Arts Association – AfrAA, and Mclaudy Muyuni Munanzwa, the Founder of Mclaudy Creations, Zambia.