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Advertisement of Special Interest Groups for the Congress in Iceland on April 20

7 Apr 2022 11:50 PM | Anonymous

IDEA and the IDEA Congress in Iceland will hold a webinar on ZOOM on April 20 from 14: 00-15: 30 UTC to introduce the activities of the Special Interest Groups at the Congress. (Check your local time here). 

At the webinar, the leaders of the Special Interest Groups (SIG) who will be at the conference will introduce themselves and the issues that will be addressed there.

The following eight SIG groups will be introduced:

1. Drama and theatre in a multicultural world – Wendy Lathrop Meyer and LI Dequan

2. Drama and theatre in kindergarten and primary schools. – Merete Sörensen and George Belliveau

3. Youth: Drama and theatre in secondary education – Annemari Untamala and Hanna Saari

4. Strategies, tactics, steps for drama/theatre as a school subject – Joachim Reiss and Nancy Stella Franco Rendon

5. Teacher Training in drama and theatre – Larry Schwarts and Monica Prendergast

6. Theatre for community development – Silvia Vammaro and Marianne Nødtvedt Knudsen

7. Drama for peace education – Tintti Karpinen and Zeki Ozen

8. Drama and theatre in Science, Technology and new Media – Liliana Galvan.

Each moderator has about 5-10 minutes to introduce their project. After the presentations, there will be time for questions and discussions.

The activities of SIG groups are an important part of every IDEA conference. Many issues concerning the progress of theater in school work and the social context are discussed and dissected. These groups often continue to work after the conference ends, and sometimes they live from one conference to another. By working in a SIG group, it is possible to be influenced by others and promote progress in acting in society.

We encourage everyone interested in the Special Interest Groups to come to the webinar

IDEA, FLÍSS and The University of Iceland

Join the webinar by the Zoom link below: 

IDEA INTERNATIONAL is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Webinar on SIGs for the IDEA Congress in Iceland

Time: Apr 20, 2022 02:00 PM Universal Time UTC

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 842 4398 9172

Passcode: 027525

IDEA is a non-profit professional association for Drama Education registered in Portugal. 

Rua Bernardo Santareno 2f – 2 k 2825-446 Costa da Caparica.

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© IDEA 2022

English: International Drama/Theatre and Education Association 

Portuguese: Associação Internacional de Teatro Educação

French : Association Internationale Théâtre et Éducation 

Spanish: Associación Internacional Teatro y Educación 

Chinese: 国际戏剧/戏剧和教育协会

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