The fifth session of THE (HI)STORY OF IDEA webinar will take place on Saturday, 21st May at 7:30 am UTC on Zoom.
The event is conceptualized as an intergenerational and intercultural dialogue that examines IDEA history through a critical lens, but also with an aim of tracking the evolution of drama/theatre education and directing its future.
The featured guests of the fourth session are Prof (Dr) Samuel Leong (Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia) and Dr. Zeki Özen (Turkey). The session host is the IDEA President Sanja Krsmanović Tasić.
Professor (Dr) Samuel Leong was the inaugural Director of Research at IDEA. He led a multifarious, interdisciplinary and international career for over 40 years spanning education, performance, health, media, technology, business and administration. He is co-founder of the UNESCO HK’s Glocal Peace Centre and former Director of the UNESCO Observatory for Research in Local Cultures and Creativity in Education in Hong Kong. He has contributed to over 100 publications, including the Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, Educational Psychology, Routledge International Handbook of Creative Learning, Creative Arts in Education and Culture, Oxford Handbook of Technology and Music Education, Routledge International Handbook of Intercultural Arts Research, and Changing Policy-making Process in Greater China.
Zeki Özen was born in 1980. In 2033, he graduated from Ankara University Faculty of Educational Sciences, Department of Elementary Education. During his university education, he became interested in drama in education. He held various positions in the field of facilitation/training and social communities. Between 2004-2005, he worked as a volunteer worker in Mourne Grange Camphill Community with disabled people in an educational and living institution in Northern Ireland. In 2005, he completed the Drama Teaching Program run by the Turkish Contemporary Drama Association. Between 2005-2011, Zeki was a student at Ankara University Institute of Educational Sciences Creative Drama Master’s Program. During the same years, he was a board member at the Turkish Contemporary Drama Association. He worked as a drama teacher in different Private Schools during 2005-2010. Since 2010, Zeki has been working at Ankara University Faculty of Educational Sciences, Department of Elementary Education. In 2018, he completed his Ph.D. study at Ankara University, Institute of Educational Sciences, Department of Fine Arts Education. He still continues to carry out studies as a research assistant at Ankara University Faculty of Educational Sciences, Department of Elementary Education. He still takes the responsibility of being a board member in Çağdaş Drama Derneği (Contemporary Drama Association) and IDEA. He is working as General Secretary of Contemporary Drama Association and also Director of Research of IDEA.
Check the local time of the event here.
You can join the webinar directly on Zoom or follow it via live stream on our Facebook page.
IDEA INTERNATIONAL is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: THE (HI)STORY OF IDEA Webinar on 21st May
Time: May 21, 2022 07:30 AM Universal Time UTC
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