Register now for one or more online workshops on the IDEA workshop day. We ask for a solidarity donation between 10 - 50€ (or US Dollars) whatever you can afford! You can register through the form below and you will receive information about how to donate through Email! (check your spam folder!)
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The workshops are open for theater educators, pedagogues, teachers, students and all and anyone who is interested in methods of drama in education and collaborative working forms.

The online Workshops
Mantle of the Expert Approach and Curriculum: “A Productive Tension”
Dr. Zeki Özen
Date/Time: Saturday, June 18, 09:00-11:00 UTC (duration: 3 hours)

“I am not interested in conflict because conflict creates stagnation, but a productive tension takes you directly into the problem” Dorothy Heathcote
Dorothy Heathcote's approaches, based on valuable experience, are in line with the aim of “raising people for the world.” There have been approaches that put people in the center. Heathcote, who does not hesitate to question the situations that exist in real life, has tried to ensure that students become sensitive, self-confident and responsive individuals in social contexts.
Heathcote’s “The Mantle of the Expert" is a drama approach at the center of this workshop. Participants will learn through active participation in a theoretical and practical way. During this session, the participants will work to structure an institution by taking the role of an expert. They will try to collaboratively solve the problems faced by this institution with task-oriented studies (writing, drawing, design, etc.). At the end of the process, the participants will have a working knowledge about the philosophy and planning of Heathcote’s signature strategy.
Poetry of Movement- workshop on devising in physical theatre, creative writing and dance
Sanja Krsmanović Tasić
Date/Time: Sunday, June 19, 16:00- 18:00 UTC (duration: 2 hours)

The session will start with different exercises for centering, breathing, being, being together even on Zoom, moving, experiencing and perceiving, traveling inside oneself, traveling through space, warming up the body. The workshop will focus on creating different materials from which a devised performance can be developed from the physical vocabulary of each individual. The participants will together pass through the process of creating physical scores, that could be later edited or montaged into scenes.
The workshop is focused on interdisciplinarity between creative writing, physical theatre and dance, where the three fields influence, inspire, provoke and motivate each other.
Based on techniques of Eastern European laboratory theatre, and the 20th Century masters of contemporary theatre and dance, varied martial art techniques, and also unique theatre/dance techniques developed by Sanja Krsmanović Tasić after 40 years of dedicated work in the realm of performing art and dance. She believes that work in the realm of performing art is a part of cleansing and "ecology of the soul,” as she calls her original methodology.
The interactive workshop: How to create an interactive online experience
Liliana Galvan
Date/Time: Saturday, June 18, 16:00 -18:00 UTC (duration: 2 hours)

Learning environments and communication have changed since the pandemics. Virtual experiences played an increasingly important role in educational programs. The need to become digitally literate in order to sustain a socio-emotional relationship despite distance became indispensable. In this context, this workshop proposes the use of various on-line applications for collaborative work. Participants will explore, enjoy and familiarize with collaborative tools to make on-line learning experiences cooperative, creative and inclusive. Each participant will be able to practice each tool individually or by groups, on a collective screen and on a personal one. The applications to be used will allow participants to explore their avatar, discover their communication style, and apply design thinking.
Literacies, Drama and Justice for All
Beth Murray
Date/Time: Saturday, June 18, 14:00-16:00 UTC (duration: 2 hours)

This interactive, practical session looks at the ways drama/theatre and literacies intersect. Literacies are plural. We communicate in many modes and ways that include reading and writing, but expand far beyond reading and writing, using bodies and voices and space and listening. Drama/theatre done well opens up literacy to be literacies. We will explore how and share ideas on assessing and advocating for drama as a vital part of literacies education. But not all drama/theatre done well strives for a better, more just and inclusive communication space. So we will also ask: What does literacy mean in your part of the world? What power does it hold? Who decides what “literate” means? Whose stories matter? Whose stories are silenced? Together, we will play, create, question, reflect and re-imagine the places drama/theatre has in literacies education, and the places it might have, from classroom to studio to community to policy.
To find out more about the project you are supporting with your workshop fee/donation visit