International Arts Education Week aims at increasing awareness of the importance of arts education. The commemorations of the International Arts Education Week will be during May 22-28, 2023.

WAAE and IDEA invite you to join in the commemorations, as follows:
May 22 at Noon
The Ring the Bells for Arts Education action will take place again, this time on Monday 22th of May at noon.
Join us by ringing bells or sounding other instruments as a sign of support for arts education. It will be a 24 hour of actions, as we pass the time zones at noon. We also ask you to record a short video of the action and send it to so that it could be edited into a short video as promotion of arts education over the world, and presented at the IDEA Webinar at the end of the week. The visual materials, video or photo, can be sent either as attachment or by We Transfer.
You can also use the following hashtags:
#BellsForArtsEd #ArtsEdWeek #WAAE #IDEA

May 28 at Noon UTC - IDEA Webinar
We invite you to the WEBINAR to be held on Sunday the 28th of May, at UTC 12 pm (noon) via Zoom organized by IDEA, as the closing activity of the International Arts Education Week. The topic will be the new steps in advocacy and the recent events such as the World Summit in Arts Education that took place in Funchal, Madeira, the Makerere Conference on Performing Arts in Kampala, Uganda, as well as the Multi Stakeholders Dialogue that will be held in Paris, on the 25th and 26th of May. You will get a chance to hear various speakers as well as the representatives from the four WAAE organizations.
Zoom link for the webinar:
Meeting ID: 844 1789 0857
Passcode: 841444