IDEA2024 Congress is currently accepting Proposals for Workshops, Panels and Paper presentations. The Call Workshops, Panels and Paper presentations is open until 15 January, 11:59pm (GMT+8).
IDEA and IDEAC invite drama/theatre educators, practitioners, and researchers to think about their work through the themes of the IDEA2024 Congress. This Congress will feature a range of practical workshops, panels and academic paper presentations addressing the Congress themes and subthemes.
See IDEA2024 web page for additional details.

IDEA2024 logo
Overarching theme: “天下大同”(tiān xià dà tóng)A Harmonious World — Constructing a harmonious Cultural, Artistic, and Spiritual Home for Humanity through Drama and Theatre.
1. Sharing Global Drama Education Experience and practice
2. Enabling cross-cultural communication and understanding
3. Exploring emerging possibilities and scenarios for drama education
4. Widening drama education conversations

IDEAC Conference in Zhuhai, China, in May 2023
The IDEA2024 Congress will be conducted in a hybrid format. It will take place from July 15-20, 2024.
In-person delegates will meet in Beijing, China. On-line delegates will contribute through technology. The in-person congress will be in English and Mandarin. On-line contributions may be in the IDEA languages (English, Portuguese, French, Spanish, Mandarin).
For further enquiries, please reach out to the IDEA Administrator and IDEA2024 Congress Director.
Criteria for selection
All proposals will be reviewed by the IDEA2024 Advisory Committee using the following criteria:
o Contributions should make a significant contribution to knowledge and/or practice in Drama Theatre and Education and address the themes and sub themes of the Congress
o Contributions should clearly identify the author’s experience or other credentials in Drama Theatre and Education
o Contributions should specify whether suitable for live/online or only live presentation
o Contributions should clearly address Congress session time limits
o Papers (and workshops, where appropriate) must be suitable and presented to the IDEA Director of Publications for book or journal publication
o Live in person workshops should be presentable with minimal practical requirements
o An indication of the space and/or equipment and furniture required for live in person workshops
o Contributors must complete this Proposal/Expression of Interest Form including Declaration, Terms and Conditions.
o Contributors must indicate their intention to register for the IDEA Congress and their capacity to participate.